Shift By New Belgium


I’m bringing it BACK, its been a few years since i’ve added to the brewski guide, but theres finally some new beers to review. so we’ll see if i can keep up the blog again. My tastes in beer have changed slightly since early 09 but my love of beer hasn’t.

As for this beer, Shift is a really unique beer. It’s a pale lager, which i honestly haven’t really heard of before. Its the mix between an IPA or a pale ale and a lager. The beer features the nice light drink ability of a lager however has a strong hop flavor without any real bitterness.

The hops ovoisuly stand out with this beer, when i first heard of it i was skeptical of the style however it works so well. It comes on with a strong fruity hop flavor then mellows out without any true bitterness. This beer is awesome, its ideal for someone that can appreciate a hoppy beer however also enjoy the lightness of a lager. I’m not the biggest fan of the price, which cost me 9.45 for a 4 pack, however they are really tasty. Overall, I’d say this beer kicks ass! The lightness with its hoppyness make it a very enjoyable and unique beer.

Shift By New Belgium (9/10)

One thought on “Shift By New Belgium

  1. Keep the posts coming!!

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